About Us

Delivering ethical business debt collection on your behalf
Everyone is well-versed with the working of Debt industry in India. It has had an adverse effect on everyone’s businesses and lifestyle.
In India, Debt collection industry is old-fashioned, intrusive and detours transparency. We know that a one-size-fits-all approach does not help people resolve their accounts.
Our Philosophy
With our years of experience and achievements in this service sector, we have developed a well-versed solution that is valuable yet effective for our customers and clients. We have an ethical approach to debt collection.
- 100 Call Centre Collection Agents
- In-house Advocates
- Single Point of Contact
- No Collection, No Fee
Our Mission
Taurus Collection serves with a mission to resolve debt with dignity. With a team of experienced and compassionate staff offering a 24/7 customer portal, businesses who are facing doubts about resolving their debts can now begin the journey to resolution.
- Field Collection Agents that Visit your Debtors
- Skip Tracing Service
- Highest Success Rates
- Collection Throughout Pan India